Understanding the PatternBuilder Max Studio Apps

May 30, 2024


There are 3 categories of PatternBuilderMax:

  1. Analyze (examples: compare, summarize, timeline)
  2. Extract (to extract data, in the future will have the ability to autoprofile a document)
  3. Draft/Content Creator (example:use one document as an example to create a new one)


App Started from NetDocuments

Compare: Compares two documents based on custom criteria that the user provides. (Started From NetDocuments)

Limit: The total length of the two documents selected cannot exceed 82,000 characters.


Draft: Automatically drafts a new document, allowing users to select a prior precedent document as an example or draft a document from scratch based on custom instructions. This can include analyzing a patent application rejection letter and writing an appropriate appeal, taking a fact sheet and drafting a new lease, or rejections to demand letters. (Started From NetDocuments)

Limit: There is a maximum precedent and draft size of approximately 20 double-spaced pages (~20,000 characters), respectively.

Limit: There is a maximum precedent and draft size of approximately 10 double-spaced pages (~10,000 characters), respectively.


Query Document: Ask one or more questions of a document stored in NetDocuments, ensuring quick answers even when buried in lengthy, complex documents. (Started From NetDocuments)

Limit: Documents must be no more than approximately 80 double-spaced pages (80,000 characters).


Summarize: Generates a summary of a document that you select in NetDocuments. Firms can generate a general summary or apply a summary template for specialized use cases (depositions, loan agreements, etc.). (Started From NetDocuments)


Translate: Automatically translates text from one language into another, supporting over a dozen languages. (Started From NetDocuments)

Limit: Documents must be no more than approximately 15 double-spaced pages (15,000 characters).


Translate: Automatically translates text from one language into another, supporting over a dozen languages. (Started From NetDocuments)

Limit: Documents must be no more than approximately 15 double-spaced pages (15,000 characters).


Apps Started From Word


Continue Draft: Quickly drafts the next section of a document based on prior content in the document. Optionally, users can include prior precedents to enhance the quality of the draft further. (Started From Word)

Note: Only the last 30,000 characters (~ 30 double-spaced pages) of selected text will be taken into account when continuing the draft.


Extract: Automatically extracts one or more entities from the selected document, and resulting data can then be saved to a database, written into a document, or both. This app is ideal for identifying and storing contract data. (not available yet)

Contract Playbook: Instantly analyze an agreement based on the selected contract playbook, including organization-specific contract playbooks that analyze any type of desired agreement. (Started From Word)

This app can only analyze contracts of 70,000 characters or less.


Timeline: Generates a timeline of events based on the selected text. (Started From Word)