The secret to using NetDocuments on an iphone or ipad

The NetDocuments Integration for the iPad and iPhone is outstanding. You basically have the same function as you do on your desktop computer.  If you download the NetDocuments App, you can view documents and open up links. That’s nice, but it’s not where the app shines. If you have Word, Excel or PowerPoint on your iOS device, you can actually integrate them with NetDocuments.  So you can be in Word, click Open, and choose NetDocuments. Its all very seamless and I have never had any issues. I love taking my iPad Pro to the local coffee shop and just work on documents with zero distractions.

Part 1: Setup

Step 1: Download the NetDocuments App on your device.  Open it up and log in.

Step 2: Open Word, Click Open, Add a Service


Step 3: Choose NetDocuments


Step 4: Click OK


Step 5: Login to NetDocuments


Part 2: Saving a Word Document into NetDocuments

Step 1: Open up Word and Click on the Paper with 3 dots



Step 2: Click Name



Step 3: Choose NetDocuments and Save Documents



Part 3: Saving other documents into NetDocuments

Step 1: Click on the … and Import with NetDocuments
