Why is Deliver a Secured Link in NetDocuments requiring a password now?

August 3, 2024

This is due to an update to NetDocuments on August 1st: See: https://support.netdocuments.com/s/article/Web-Refreshes

Deliver Secured Link Password Checkbox: A new Require Password checkbox has been added to the Deliver a Secured Link dialog. This is to assist with easily seeing and managing whether or not a password is required for a link. It will be checked by default. It may be unchecked to not require a password. If the cabinet level setting Require a password for all secured links is enabled for a cabinet, this checkbox will not be shown in this dialog as a password is always required in that scenario.

Our Take:

When we setup NetDocuments for customers, we do not require Deliver a Secure to link to have a password everything single time.  There is a Cabinet setting that will allow you to turn that on.  Most of the time, we are using secured link to send large files to clients.  For the few times when we are sending sensitive data, we will enter in a password.  From now on, when sending large no sensitive file via deliver a secured link, we will have to uncheck the Required password box.