Exporting Documents out of Worldox to a Windows Folder Structure

When firms leave Worldox sometimes they decide not to migrate everything to NetDocuments.
The last firm I worked with had been using Worldox for 20 years and decided they only wanted the last 10 years of active files.

Sometimes an attorney will need an older file moved to NetDocuments.  When you dump document out of Worldox, it wants dump them out in a single folder.


There is a way to configure Worldox so you can dump those documents out and have them in appear in Client, Matter, and Doc Type folders.


Step 1:  In Worldox, right click on a document, go to Send To and Click Add/Edit



Step 2: Click My Send-To’s and then Add


Step 3:  Fill Out the Form

Description:  Windows Folder Description

Run: %wdcodepath%\wdcopy.exe

Parameters: @%@ “%USERPROFILE%\desktop\WDOX\%Field1Desc%\%Field2Desc%\%Field3Desc%\*.*” /LFN


If you need to shorten the windows folders paths by using the worldox codes instead of descriptions, do this:

Description:  Windows Folder Codes

Run: %wdcodepath%\wdcopy.exe

Parameters: @%@ “%USERPROFILE%\desktop\WDOX\%Field1%\%Field2%\%Field3%\*.*” /LFN

Step 4:  Do a Search in Worldox for a Client and Matter

Step 5: Tag All Documents in that Matter


Step 6: Right Click on one of the documents, choose Sent To and then either the Windows Folder Code, or Description


Worldox will Export all the documents to a folder on your desktop called WDOX
